RoOUG TechSession #44 online

Pe 23 Martie 2021, Romanian Oracle User Group a pregătit un nou eveniment dedicat programatorilor.

Agenda va fi următoarea:

17:00 – 17:55  JSON column best practices with Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and MySQL   speaker: Vlad Mihalcea

18:00 – 18:55  Microservice and Database: a Smart combination  speaker: Piet de Visser


JSON column best practices with Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and MySQL

While most of the time, the relational model is the best way to represent data, JSON columns can be very suitable for non-structured data sets.

In this presentation, we are going to examine how to store and query JSON data when using Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and MySQL.

Vlad Mihalcea is a Java Champion, the creator of Hypersistence Optimizer , and a top contributor to the Hibernate project.

He is passionate about enterprise systems, data access frameworks, and distributed systems.

He wrote hundreds of articles about Hibernate on his blog, and he has gold badges for the Java, Spring, JPA, and Hibernate tags on StackOverflow.

He’s also the author of the High-Performance Java Persistence book and video course series


Microservice and Database: a Smart combination.

The presentation will show how Data and Databases can be used efficiently in a Microservices-environment. And Hopefully show how to avoid some of the bottlenecks and problems Microservices seem to have with data.

Piet de Visser

Piet is an experienced Database Consultant and DBA. He is in IT since 1987, and specialises in Oracle-, Postgres- and Databases-related technology since 1994. He combines conceptual knowledge and technical know-how with extensive experience in global and complex organisations.

He also invests a lot of effort in maintaining a network of Like-Minded database-specialists worldwide and is a regular speaker at international user group events and symposia.
Piet likes to Travel, speaks various languages more or less fluently, and is alway interested in learning how to say “Hello” and “Thank You” in a few more languages (provided he can learn it in-situ).

Go on, Google him:


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