RoOUG TechSession #39 – online
Pe 23 Aprilie 2020, Romanian Oracle User Group a pregătit un nou eveniment dedicat pasionaților de tehnologii Oracle, dezvoltatori, administratori sau arhitecți ai bazei de date.
Acest eveniment se va întinde pe parcursul unei sesiuni de seara si se va desfasura online, prin intermediul platformei ZOOM, persoanele inscrise vor primi un link pentru conexiune.
18:00 – 18:05 Online Setup
18:05 – 18:50 How to Find Patterns in Your Data with SQL
Introduced in 12c, the row pattern matching clause, match_recognize, makes it easy to write SQL to answer complex questions. This session explains the match_recognize clause. It will use worked examples to show how to use it. This talk is for developers and analysts that do data analysis.
18:50 – 19:00 Small Break
19:00 – 19:45 Agile Database Development with JSON
Many developers are storing JSON documents as-is in their database tables. But doing so brings challenges when it comes to querying your data. How do you search these documents? How do you know which documents have which attributes? This session shows you how to use JSON in Oracle Database.
19:45 – 20:00 Final Questions
Speaker : Chris Saxon
I’m Chris Saxon, an Oracle Developer Advocate for SQL. My job is to help you get the best out of the Oracle Database and have fun with SQL!
To help you with this I blog at [All Things SQL]( I also create videos combining SQL and magic on YouTube at the [The Magic of SQL](
If you have questions about working with Oracle technology, please reach out to me. You can do this via [Twitter]( or on [Ask Tom](
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