I.T.A.K.E Unconference

In urma unei colaborari cu Maria Diaconu, membru fondator al comunitatii Agile Works si al companiei MosaicWorks, am primit acest anunt despre o conferinta ce are loc la sfarsitul acestei luni 29-30 Mai 2014.logo-itake-small

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Mai jos anuntul:

Already at the second edition, I T.A.K.E. Unconference, 29 – 30 May, Bucharest, encourages software crafters to share their knowledge for building quality software.

As software professionals, you will benefit from the intense schedule:
·      17+ presentations and working sessions sustained by highly experienced practitioners – One of the keynote speakers is Michael Feathers, renowned for his book “Working Effectively With Legacy Code”
·      at least 24 open space sessions
·      geek networking party – discuss with fellows sharing same passions
·      fun sessions of accelerated learning in: kata sessions, code with a stranger and a challenging programming contest

From real stories to hands-on sessions you will discover:
·      how other experienced professionals work and enjoy creating technology products
·      new practices and lessons learnt from various contexts and technologies
·      how to analyze data for having happier users and increased profit
·      how to lead teams towards software excellence and quality products

With more than 150 participants from 10 countries, a great “tech” atmosphere will be created together with the speakers from the software industry elite.

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